Thursday, February 23, 2006

Thursday Notes

Q: Why did the Vikings place a transistion tag on DB Brian Williams?

A: I hope they don't think he's worth 5 million plus a year, when he's best in zone coverage. He could be ok in press coverage but that's not what the Vikings play. But straight man-he's not that good. I think they did this because they here the Packers want him, and by placing the transition tag on Williams, it makes Green Bay wait 10 days to figure out where to go next in FA. Sean Jensen said on KFAN it's 99 percent likely Williams is gone.
Q: Why is Steve Hutchinson hitting the market?
A: This one surprises me, although the Franchise number for guards is around 7 Mil. But they only saved about 500,000 by giving the transition tag. He's one of the top 5 guards in Football. But they generally don't have great value. So of course you have people on the Vikings ESPN chat board saying he should get 5 yrs-45 mil with a 17 mil sb. It should be noted that the Vikings have Bryant McKinnie coming up for FA after next year, and he will probably be worth around 7 mil per year on the Open Market. Hutchinson isn't as good as Randall Mcdaniel, though he is a very good techinal blocker, with good power. He's not as good in space as McDaniel. His value is maybe 5 yrs 33-mil with around 13 mil up front.
Q: Any running backs excite you in FA?
A: The only back I really like is Deangelo Williams, and he's in the draft. I wouldn't be opposed to Ahman Green-as he could be a bargain coming off injury.But other backs like Edgerrin James, Shaun Alexander, and Jamal Lewis are Herschel Walker like busts waiting to happen in a Vikings uniform behind that shotty O-line.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

More Daunte

Rumors are surfacing of possible trades with Miami and Balitmore. But the rumors I here have the Vikings asking for more than a second round pick. I just don't see them getting more than that. Unless the reports of more than that include a conditional pick in 2007.

Jeff Reynolds of PFW in a Sportsnation Chat said the Vikings could make a run at Drew Brees. Since they have the cap-room to do it. Granted Brees, has a dinged up shoulder, and comes from being surronded by great players in LT and Antonio Gates. Reynolds said Brees could be the ideal QB for a west-coast offense, maybe. Wait and see on this one. I still doubt Daunte is traded, as John Clayton said it's more likely he gets cut.

I would let Daunte sit if he really wants 10 million more. Although Rob Brezenki screwed Daunte in the contract. For instance, there is a clause that Daunte gets so many million dollars if he is involved in more than 50 percent of special teams plays.
I would keep Daunte since the Vikings cap situation is effected neither way. There is no way they are getting another three-time Pro Bowl QB in FA. I question Daunte's effectivness if his mobility drops, but you have to wait and see. I would play it out in 2006. There chances of landing Drew Brees are slim though he's the biggest name out there.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The NFL DRAFT Picks 1-17

1. Hou-R.Bush-RB USC
2. NO-M.Leinart-QB-USC
3. Ten-V.Young-QB-Texas- Though I heard in the last day or two, Vince Young might be slipping a bit due to his unorthdox throwing motion.
4. NYJ-D'Brickshaw Fergurson-T-Virgina-Could go Mario Williams since John Abraham will probably leave.
5. GB-Mario Williams-DE-NC State- They have bigger needs at LB-but 4-3 teams rarely take LB's over DE's. So no AJ Hawk here.
6. Oak-AJ Hawk- LB- Ohio State- I could see something strange here, they could go Haloti Ngata, Micheal Huff, Jimmy Williams, or even Vernon Davis.
7. SF-Deangelo Willams-RB-Memphis-The biggest need here is DB- so I say Jimmy Williams-Va.Tech over Micheal Huff, but wouldn't rule out Deangelo Williams of Memphis who Mike Nolan coached in the Senior Bowl.
8. Buf-Haloti Ngata-DT-Oregon-Their Run D really suffered-last year.
9. Det-Tamba Hali-DE Penn State- I think they go with the best-pass rusher in the draft over J. Williams and Huff, and Jay Cutler
10. Ariz- I see them maybe signing someone in FA but I'll say Lendale White -RB-USC for Now.
11. STL-Jimmy Williams-DB Virgina Tech
12. Clev-Chad Greenway-LB-Iowa-Biggest need for them.
13. Bal-Micheal Huff-DB-Texas
14. Phil-Vernon Davis-TE Maryland
15. ATL- Winston Justice-T USC
16. MIA-JAy Cutler-QB-Vanderbilt
17.MN-Deangelo Williams-RB Memphis-I can dream can't I. Seriously Williams could slip like Deuce McAllister did in 2001 due to durablity concerns combined with lack of height-I will be high-fiving though if this is the pick.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Tuesday Notes

I posted a lot of this stuff last week but it didn't freeze

QB Thoughts- Before I said there was no chance the Vikings traded Daunte Culpepper. For a few days after I heard Sid Hartman say it was possible, I thought it might be. For about a third this year and a conditional pick in 2007, would seem to be the market. But I think the rumblings might die down. One since the Cardinals are re-signing Kurt Warner. Second, Oakland is in no situation cap-wise to make such a move. The Rams maybe? But they have a pretty good QB in Marc Bulgar. As I have said fix the O-Line, and I think Daunte is by far the best option the Vikings have at the QB position. Although he did struggle a lot this year, with a terrible O-line, struggling D, and non-existant running game, a lot of QB's would off. Daunte deserves another chance when he comes back. I realize though he might never be the same QB. But a trade helps the Vikings zero versus the cap, in fact it would hurt them.
RB-Last year I sang the praises of Shawne Merriman only to see him blow up into a Pro-Bowler. This year I get exicted over Deangelo Williams. Who is a pure-runner with great vision in the mode of Ladanian Tomlinson and Cadillac Williams. Deangelo Williams probably won't have more than a year career due to size about 5-9, 210. Williams vision combined with quickness to go with decent power makes me see him as a 1500 yard Pro-Back if he can stay healthy. He was the best player at the Senior Bowl. He would be a superior option to throwing a lot of money to Shaun Alexander, Jamal Lewis, or Edgerrin James, all backs nearing the downside of their career comanding big-money. It should be pointed out that Alexander ran behind such a great line, Jamal Lewis hasn't been effective in 2 years, and Edgerrin James was surronded by the best Offense talent in football. Translation-Don't expect to see them with the exception of Lewis' medicority putting up similar stats in Purple.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Ray Lewis?

The reason Ray Lewis is being offered is several-fold

He is going to turn 31 in May.
2. He reportedly wants more money.
3. He played 6 games this year.
4. The Ravens didn't drop off much with the younger Bart Scott who will
be an unrestricted Free Agent.

Would I give the Number 17 pick for Ray Lewis? Probably not. Although the Vikings could be a great MLB away from a big-time Defense.

Lewis did have very high grades from PFW, AND Scouts. INC for his play last year-10 player in Football grade.

The last time the Vikings traded a 1st for a LB wanting more money in 1989 for Mike Merriweather. Merriweather wasn't near the player Lewis was though.
My main reasons are being leary about age and cap concerns as to not being huge on it. Though I still think Ray Lewis is a Pro Bowl player. If I thought the Vikings were Ray Lewis away from the Super Bowl, I would do it. But they still have serious offensive question marks at QB, RB, OL, with no number 1 receiving option.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


-Giving some consideration of the T.Will for Domanick Davis trade. Even though the Vikings would get Houston's 2nd-number 33 overall for T.Will. I would say no to this deal.


1. Domanick Davis in 2004 didn't have a run of longer than 12 yards before Thanksgiving-YIKES!!!. While I'm not a big fan of speed-backs, this is a bit much.

2. He's not really all that different a back than what the Vikings have. He's similar to Mewelde Moore, who despite Davis's reputation as a tough-runner. Moore led the league in 2004 in yards after first contact. While Moore isn't a 25 carry a game guy, the Vikings have Onterrio Smith who is another back similar to Domanick Davis, since I expect Smith to be back on the team. In other words, I don't see Domanick Davis greatly improving the Minnesota Vikings.

3. Koren Robinson is hit or miss to be back, as I will get too later. The Vikings lack an explosive presence at the WR position, and that is what T.WILL might bring. Taylor, Burleson are more possesion guys, Marcus Robinson is atricious on short routes, and I doubt he will back in purple. So Troy Williamson does have use. Troy Williamson's speed and quickness gives him a chance to develop. Hopefully the Vikings will try getting him more involved in slants, screens, and crossing routes.

4. It would be two soon to give up on Troy Williamson, receivers should be given three years to develop. Could Williamson be a bust? Absolutely. But that's the way it goes, Domanick Davis isn't a special enough player to give up on him for.

5. Houston's O-Line although terrible pass-blocking actually isn't that bad run blocking, in fact they were probably better than the Vikings were in this area. Although the Vikings probably will be better than the Texans, once Matt Birk comes back.

So if I was the Vikings, I would say Domanick Davis is worth a 3rd round pick in the 2006 draft. Similar to what the Titans gave up for Travis Henry.

Rumor has it that Mike Tice might have tried to lure Koren Robinson and Brian Williams to the Jacksonville Jaguars. It is illegal to recruit before March 1. Not that I care, since I don't know that there need be an illegality about it, since how can they enforce it. Neither player is irreplacble. I don't think Brian Williams is a good investment with a big contract, due to streaky play. I would rather stay with Fred Smoot. Koren Robinson I wouldn't overpay for either, while he is a terrific KR, he wasn't anything special at WR. So anything more than 4 million a year, I think you take your chances elsewhere.
As far as my Super Bowl pick.
The team Seattle is most like that the Steelers have faced is Cincy on Offense, due to balance and line play, and Indy on Defense, due to undersized D-line, and LB core athelticism. So Seattle should be able to score on Pitt. Since their O-Line is the best the Steelers have seen. So Pittsburgh wouldn't bring as much pressure as they have in their previous games. Seattle isn't going to gut the Steelers on the ground though.
The teams Pittsburgh is most similar to that Seattle has played is a cross between Dallas (3-4) and Washingston (variety of looks to bring pressure) on D, and not really anyone on O but somewhat similar to the Giants and Jaguars.
Things I think
1. Seattle could be a bit confused by Pittsburgh's rush, but wouldn't allow Joey Porter to roam as free as he has in recent weeks. If Hasselbeck gets time to pass Pittsburgh's DB's can be exploited. Seattle should score around 24 points.
2. Pittsburgh I think Seattle's undersized D-LINE could be worn out by the Steelers Physical O-Line. If they run early and often. The Steelers want a game that moves fast. I think Seattle's D-Line will wear out in the 4th quarter. The Steelers might have to come back, but I see them winning.
Steelers 27
Seahawks 24