Thursday, February 23, 2006

Thursday Notes

Q: Why did the Vikings place a transistion tag on DB Brian Williams?

A: I hope they don't think he's worth 5 million plus a year, when he's best in zone coverage. He could be ok in press coverage but that's not what the Vikings play. But straight man-he's not that good. I think they did this because they here the Packers want him, and by placing the transition tag on Williams, it makes Green Bay wait 10 days to figure out where to go next in FA. Sean Jensen said on KFAN it's 99 percent likely Williams is gone.
Q: Why is Steve Hutchinson hitting the market?
A: This one surprises me, although the Franchise number for guards is around 7 Mil. But they only saved about 500,000 by giving the transition tag. He's one of the top 5 guards in Football. But they generally don't have great value. So of course you have people on the Vikings ESPN chat board saying he should get 5 yrs-45 mil with a 17 mil sb. It should be noted that the Vikings have Bryant McKinnie coming up for FA after next year, and he will probably be worth around 7 mil per year on the Open Market. Hutchinson isn't as good as Randall Mcdaniel, though he is a very good techinal blocker, with good power. He's not as good in space as McDaniel. His value is maybe 5 yrs 33-mil with around 13 mil up front.
Q: Any running backs excite you in FA?
A: The only back I really like is Deangelo Williams, and he's in the draft. I wouldn't be opposed to Ahman Green-as he could be a bargain coming off injury.But other backs like Edgerrin James, Shaun Alexander, and Jamal Lewis are Herschel Walker like busts waiting to happen in a Vikings uniform behind that shotty O-line.


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