Monday, January 30, 2006

Viking/Texan Blockbuster?

The reports are that these two teams are in legitmate talks involving Troy Williamson and in all liklihood Domanick Davis. Not only has Viking Update reported it, but also Sid Hartman, and reports out of Texas have John McClain -Pro Football Writer for the Houston Chronicle also speculating on this deal.

Domanick Davis' is signed through 2009. At a reasonable rate of around 5.5 mil per year. He has averaged around 4 ypc for his career behind the horrid Texans O-Line. Although, the Vikings wasn't much better. He is a similar back to Mewelde Moore, but has the size at 5-9, 220 to be an everydown back. Davis though only played in 11 games this year.

My Evaluation: Well my thoughts on T-Will being a reach at 7 are still true today. While T.Will is very fast, strong, and explosive. The Vikings didn't seem to use him in an ideal way. Domnaick Davis is a physical runner, who can catch the ball out of the backfield, and could be a nice fit. T-Will could add an explosive element to the Vikings Offense they missed last year. There are many questions that need to be answered though such as what are the Vikings expecting from Onterrio Smith? ow much do they need that speed presence at WR? Are they confident Koren Robinson will be back? I need to give more thought to give a final verdict on this trade as is.


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