Wednesday, January 25, 2006

1/25 Notes

Sorry, I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted.

Daunte Culpepper- My thoughts is that it is total sillinesss that in ensuing here. One he demanded more money with three torn knee ligaments, and below average play to his contract. Daunte's contract is quite incentive based in nature, so it is team-friendly. So he doesn't have a ton of guarnteed money coming his way. If Daunte comes back this year and leads the Vikings deep into the Playoffs, I'm all for giving him more guarnteed money in the middle of a contract. But with his current health, he is no position to demand anything. Because of his current health, I really don't see a trade happening. I see it far-fetched that teams would give anything of value considering his condition. Also, if his movement skills aren't the same, he's not that good a quarterback. As evidenced by how back problems contributed to medicore play last year. The Vikings think he'll be ready for Training Camp, some people think that's far-fetched. We'll wait and see.
So in conclusion I wouldn't spend time speculating on Daunte trade rumors, till I think there's something to them.
Fran Foley-Hard to comment, the Chargers have done so well through College Scouting 17 of 22 starters, I don't know how much say they had. Although they have made some good evaluations on Free Agents in the past. I am kind of like the Brad Childress thing in a wait and see attitude. I liked Bill Kuharich-VP Player Personnel of the Chiefs to be the New GM as he is known as one of the better talent evaluators in football, and did a good job with the Saints as their GM from 1998-2000. Tom Ditrimoff-College Scouting Director of the Patriots would be hard to dismiss because of his succesful background. Rick Smith Pro Personnel Director of the Broncos was also fairly highly regarded. Ron Hill formerly of the Falcons was also considered a good personal man. Rumors have circulated that Rob Brezenski wanted to find a guy to run personal that had the weakest personality, so Brezenski could assume more control. I'm in a wait and see stance with Foley, but will state other names I would have received with more enthuiasim.
Onto Coaches
Joe Woods- New DB Coach- I can't really say much. Mike Tomlin worked with him before, and seems to have a lot of confidence in him. The players wanted Chuck Knox to stay, and they could point to their strong Pass D. But the Vikings also had a ton of money invested in the secondary.
Fred Pagac- LB Coach. I like this hire. Just because it gives the Vikings a Def.Coach with that has more experiecne than some of the other guys they had. He has done a solid job in the places he has been. His experience as a former D-Coordinator at Ohio State should help.
Paul Ferraro-ST Coach- I really can't speak to this hire, but the Panthers ST were good this year, and he has Brian Murphy helping him out so this should work ok.
Final Staff- Eval
The most clear upgrade is at DL coach going from Brian Baker to Karl Dunbar. I liked they got a more experienced LB coach than Pete Bercich. I like the two Wisconsin guys they brought in, in Brian Murphy, and Jim Hueber to assist with the O-Line and ST. Thier Offensive skill position coaches are good. Overall- The Vikings have improved their coaching staff from last year, and I think it should be worth 1-2 more wins.


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