Monday, January 30, 2006

Viking/Texan Blockbuster?

The reports are that these two teams are in legitmate talks involving Troy Williamson and in all liklihood Domanick Davis. Not only has Viking Update reported it, but also Sid Hartman, and reports out of Texas have John McClain -Pro Football Writer for the Houston Chronicle also speculating on this deal.

Domanick Davis' is signed through 2009. At a reasonable rate of around 5.5 mil per year. He has averaged around 4 ypc for his career behind the horrid Texans O-Line. Although, the Vikings wasn't much better. He is a similar back to Mewelde Moore, but has the size at 5-9, 220 to be an everydown back. Davis though only played in 11 games this year.

My Evaluation: Well my thoughts on T-Will being a reach at 7 are still true today. While T.Will is very fast, strong, and explosive. The Vikings didn't seem to use him in an ideal way. Domnaick Davis is a physical runner, who can catch the ball out of the backfield, and could be a nice fit. T-Will could add an explosive element to the Vikings Offense they missed last year. There are many questions that need to be answered though such as what are the Vikings expecting from Onterrio Smith? ow much do they need that speed presence at WR? Are they confident Koren Robinson will be back? I need to give more thought to give a final verdict on this trade as is.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Saturday Thoughts

I don't feel I can evaluate Free Agency for another couple weeks, since players will be realsed.

Though I'm not too big on the FA Crop to hit the market. Although reports have indicated two names-The Vikings might be intrested in include Eagles T Jon Runyan and Seahawks RB Shaun Alexander. I'm not really that big on signing Shaun Alexander though, as he will be a much less effective back behind the Vikings O-Line than the Eagles, and the only way I would give a 29 yr. RB a 5 year deal is if I think he is the final piece to make a run at a Super Bowl. I don't think Alexander meets this criteria. The Vikings also will look to re-sign Toniu Fonoti from reports I have seen. Other names of note- Colts LB David Thornton as he might be a good fit at MLB in the Cover 2. This is where scouts think he fits in best. I wouldn't mind taking a look at Packers RB Najeh Davenport since he'll go for much less than Edgerrin James, Shaun Alexander, or Jamal Lewis. I also like Ravens LB's in Bart Scott- who could be a nice value.

I will do my first mock in a few days.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

1/25 Notes

Sorry, I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted.

Daunte Culpepper- My thoughts is that it is total sillinesss that in ensuing here. One he demanded more money with three torn knee ligaments, and below average play to his contract. Daunte's contract is quite incentive based in nature, so it is team-friendly. So he doesn't have a ton of guarnteed money coming his way. If Daunte comes back this year and leads the Vikings deep into the Playoffs, I'm all for giving him more guarnteed money in the middle of a contract. But with his current health, he is no position to demand anything. Because of his current health, I really don't see a trade happening. I see it far-fetched that teams would give anything of value considering his condition. Also, if his movement skills aren't the same, he's not that good a quarterback. As evidenced by how back problems contributed to medicore play last year. The Vikings think he'll be ready for Training Camp, some people think that's far-fetched. We'll wait and see.
So in conclusion I wouldn't spend time speculating on Daunte trade rumors, till I think there's something to them.
Fran Foley-Hard to comment, the Chargers have done so well through College Scouting 17 of 22 starters, I don't know how much say they had. Although they have made some good evaluations on Free Agents in the past. I am kind of like the Brad Childress thing in a wait and see attitude. I liked Bill Kuharich-VP Player Personnel of the Chiefs to be the New GM as he is known as one of the better talent evaluators in football, and did a good job with the Saints as their GM from 1998-2000. Tom Ditrimoff-College Scouting Director of the Patriots would be hard to dismiss because of his succesful background. Rick Smith Pro Personnel Director of the Broncos was also fairly highly regarded. Ron Hill formerly of the Falcons was also considered a good personal man. Rumors have circulated that Rob Brezenski wanted to find a guy to run personal that had the weakest personality, so Brezenski could assume more control. I'm in a wait and see stance with Foley, but will state other names I would have received with more enthuiasim.
Onto Coaches
Joe Woods- New DB Coach- I can't really say much. Mike Tomlin worked with him before, and seems to have a lot of confidence in him. The players wanted Chuck Knox to stay, and they could point to their strong Pass D. But the Vikings also had a ton of money invested in the secondary.
Fred Pagac- LB Coach. I like this hire. Just because it gives the Vikings a Def.Coach with that has more experiecne than some of the other guys they had. He has done a solid job in the places he has been. His experience as a former D-Coordinator at Ohio State should help.
Paul Ferraro-ST Coach- I really can't speak to this hire, but the Panthers ST were good this year, and he has Brian Murphy helping him out so this should work ok.
Final Staff- Eval
The most clear upgrade is at DL coach going from Brian Baker to Karl Dunbar. I liked they got a more experienced LB coach than Pete Bercich. I like the two Wisconsin guys they brought in, in Brian Murphy, and Jim Hueber to assist with the O-Line and ST. Thier Offensive skill position coaches are good. Overall- The Vikings have improved their coaching staff from last year, and I think it should be worth 1-2 more wins.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tuesday Thoughts

Karl Dunbar- The Vikings New D-Line coach is the best addition they have made to the staff so far, and is a tremendous upgrade over Brian Baker. Dunbar was Kevin Williams D-Line coach in College, then was the Bears D-Line coach last year were they doubled their sack total, and got ready for this year's resurgence. Then he went down to LSU to tutor a very good D-Line. The Vikings made him a huge offer, and he has a proven track record. Great Job, Brad.

Eric Bienemy-Was considred one of the better assistant coaches in College Football on the basis of his work at Colorado and UCLA. I wouldn't be shocked if the Vikings new RB coach became a College Head Coach soon. An upgrade over Dean Dalton.
Pat Morris- I am somewhat curious why the Vikings hired the Lions O-line coach to a similar position, granted he will be working with the very good Wisconsin line coach Jim Hueber, but the Lions were known for struggling line-play this year. Morris has a better track record with interior lineman though, such as Ron Stone, Jeremy Newberry, Ray Brown, and Kevin Gogan. So maybe Hueber will work more with tackles. The Vikings line though can't be more of a mess than last year.
Jimmie Johnson-The new tight ends coach comes to the Vikings as an offensive coordinator of not a very good Texas Southern team, so I am in no position to comment.
Brian Murphy-Wisconsin has always been known for strong-special teams play evidence last year vs the Gophers. So I like this hire, but indications are the guy they want to be their ST Coach is still playing in the playoffs.
Other Business.
Some people have been critical of Fred Smoot's play this year. While Smoot sure got burned by Steve Smith, he was actually pretty-solid as a coverage guy, and an alright tackler. I have much more confidence in putting him on a guy 1 on 1 than Brian Williams who excels at zone-schemes. I advocate keeping Smoot around.
Running through the Vikings roster players that wouldn't be back-By being cut, or being allowed to leave with little intrest in Free Agency
-Moe Williams
-Marcus Robinson
-Napoleon Harris
-Brian Williams
-Corey Chavous
Players that might not be back
-Mike Rosenthal
-Chris Liwenski
-Lance Johnstone
-Keith Newman
-Sam Cowart
-Shaun Hill
-Corey Withrow

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Darrell Bevell and New Coaches

-Thoughts on the Vikings new Coaches.

-Darrell Bevell-He is considered by some NFL people to be one of the brighter young Offensive minds in football. He doesn't really have too much in his background to point to. Childress made the higher of someone with very little background. But a QB as OC like Bevell could maybe assist Culpepper, like Scott Linehan did.
-Darrell Wyatt-Seems to be one of the better WR coaches in Football as he has worked with some WR's without great physical tools, and produced very good results in College (I.E. Ryan Harris and Rasuan Woods). So this seems to be a good hire.
-Kevin Rogers- One of the best QB Guru's in College Football working with Donovan Mcnabb and Marcus Vick (Who I wouldn't rule out the Vikings gambling on in the draft) As well as getting a productive passing game from Jarious Jackson at Notre Dame- A good hire.
The Vikings have brought in a couple good positional coaches, to go with an Offensive Coordinator Brad Childress seems to have a lot of confidence in. The needed upgrade of the Coaching Staff seems to be in process, by going after proven-college coaches, rather than fired Pro-Coaches.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Mike Tomlin

*Will be the Vikings new Defensive Coordinator. Tomlin is the DB coach for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Tomlin has a track-record that no one can complain about. Tampa has been in the Top 5 in Defense every season, he's been there. Including, number 1 this season. They've been among the league leaders in passing defense every year, since they've been there. Tomlin has HC potential in this league. I don't know what Tomlin's scheme will be yet, but Monte Kiffin said this was a "Terrific Hire". I have to agree.

*Zygii Wilf has reportedly given Brad Childress a blank check to bring in assistants. So they are going after highly regarded college assistants to fill up the staff.

Friday, January 06, 2006


*I can't really believe that the Vikings are going to run a true West-Coast offense (or more accurate a Bill Walsh offense) with Daunte Culpepper. He doesn't make decisions at all-quickly. He does have an accurate arm, but has a great deep arm. I think Troy Williamson could be good in the West Coast offense, with a lot of quick hitters. Mewelde Moore could be quite good in a Roger Criag-type role. Travis Taylor and Nate Burleson are going possesion receivers. Koren Robinson can fit with his talent and running ability. I think Marcus Robinson might end up being the odd man out. The Vikings have no power-running game to speak off, and they have lineman that move fairly well. The Vikings will probably run a Walsh offense like the Eagles did last year, with more emphasis on the deep ball. articles on the Walsh Offense vs West Coast Offense.
*As far as D-Coord add the name-of Tampa Bay DB coach Mike Tomlin, along with Steve Spagnuolo and Sean McDermott. Darrell Bevell is probably the leader to be the O-Coord although Brad Childress will call the plays. Eric Bienemy is considered a coaching star in College, but he's best as a recruiter. But he would be a nice addition as a running back coach. Kevin Cosgrove-D.Coord of Nebraska has been mentioned to be LB coach. Brian Murphy-Wisconsin ST Coach and Christ Walsh reportedly might be Special Teams coach. The only name I don't like that I'm hearing is Pat Morris-The O-Line coach for Detroit
coming to coach the Vikings, I might look to the college game. Maybe even to Mitch Browning-The Gopher O-Coordinator. Chuck Knox' JR-might stay on as DB coach. I really don't see any Offense coaches coming back. I wouldn't be shocked to have Ron McBride-the Former Utah coach is maybe associated with the team in some role.
*Childress said Onterrio Smith has a clean-slate with him.
Probably light for blogging for the next few days, but will comment on any coaching news as I here it.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Brad Childress-7th coach of the Minnesota Vikings

Van Brocklin, Grant, Steckel, Burns, Green, Tice, and now Brad Childress is the New Head Coach of the Minnesota Vikings.
As I have stated earlier this week, I would have liked to see them look more at Ron Rivera and Kirk Ferentz. I'm lukewarm in regards to this hire.
*What I like the names being bandied for coaching positions. Steve Spagnuolo -Eagles LB coachI think would make a good D-coordinator as he has coached both the Eagles LB's and DB's. The Eagles are a well-coached Defensive football team. Sean McDermott might be a possibility as the Defensive Backs coaches. Darrell Bevell-Green Bay QB coach might be a possible QB coach. Eric Bienemy of UCLA, might be the RB coach, and Pat Schumur-the Eagles QB coach might be made the Off.Coordinator. I like the Coaching Staff shake-up as it is in order. I also like that Childress has connections in both the College and Pro game to make up what I hope will be a greatly improved staff.
*He has worked under two very good coaches, on some very good teams. Barry Alavarez, and Andy Reid.
*Bud Grant has come away impressed with meeting him.
*Childress is supposed to be a good communicator, who gets along with people (minus TO), and quite knowledgeable about the game. Good with X's and O's. Seems to be quite capable of working with a committee leadership approach.
*If they upgrade the coaching staff, and get a better X's and O's guy, than they have really upgraded right there.
My concerns go to the fact that he really hasn't called-plays in Philly, or doesn't seem to have a great speciality he brings to the Vikings. Also, I wouldn't mind a bit more fire in my coaching candidates. A meek personality to the perpetuality underachieving Vikings, makes me leery. He doesn't have the track record of Rivera, or Ferentz.
I will comment as he puts his staff together, and after the Friday morning press-conference.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wed. Thoughts

* Vince Young will be Number 1 on my draftboard. Reggie Bush is more of a receiver than a runner against NFL Speed. Matt Leinart doesn't have great footwork. Vince Young has improved enough as a passer in the pocket, to go around with freakish running abilty. If I was the Houston Texans-I would take him Number 1.

*Lendale White-I would consider with the 17th pick for the Vikings, if he runs under 4.6 in the 40. But I wonder if he would be best served in a tandem with someone like Mewelde Moore.

*The Vikings interviewed Jim Caldwell and Ted Cotrell. But haven't made contact with Ron Rivera or Kirk Ferentz from what I can gather. Though according to the Star Tribune, Kirk Ferentz is on the list for the Vikings. If they happen to lose their top candidate Brad Childress. Jim Souhan of the Minneapolis Star Tribune was dead on FSN Live, when he said that Rivera and Ferentz were the top two candidates on the market. You interview Caldwell-who was a below average College coach at Wake Forest, and Ted Cotrell who is probably a medicore def.coordinator. I would argue the Vikings need a regime shake-up than Cotrell doesn't offer.
*From a few reports I have seen Brad Childress is at the head of the list for the Vikings, and might get a contract offer soon. Childress might be a fine coach. He has worked under some good coaches (Barry Alvarez, and Andy Reid). The Eagles aren't a great offensive team. Childress doesn't seem to have any speciality or track-record that makes him super-appealing, nor a real fiery personality. Childress is supposed to be good with X's and O's which was Mike Tice's big weakness. Childress is supposed to be a solid teacher. I have questions about what type of staff Childress would assemble in Minnesota, though it probably wouldn't be any worse.
*Rumors have it that the Packers might seek to interview Mike Tice for their Head-Coaching position. KFAN has even reported it, there will be more on this story as it develops.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Tuesday Thoughts

Why was Mike Tice fired?

1. No one would ever describe the Vikings as overachievers, or even a team that played up to it's capablities. In the 2003 and 2004 season-The Vikings were favorites of I believe 24 of 32 regular season games, and ended up going 17-15. They lost big games to pretty medicore teams, the only reason they were only favored half the games this year, was due to their terrible road performances. No one before this year would describe the Vikings as overacheivers, but that was mostly due to a terrible schedule (They beat 7 teams with records of 6-10 or worse), and the Giants and Bears game which they won from other circumstances. The Vikings were considered one of the most talented teams in football this year, before thier injuries. But everyteam has injuries.
2. Conflict with management. Mike Tice got into a public tiff with Rob Brezenski after the First Packer game because of bad clock management. Not smart, Brezenski is the most valauble member of the franchise front office. He gives the Vikings more of an advantage than Tice ever could.
3. I think off the field stuff, had something to do with it despite what Zygii said. Zygii had to question whether Tice was a authority figure, when he had his own problems with ticket scalping.
What I am here in regards to the Vikings
*With Gregg Willams out of the mix, due to his contract extension. Brad Childress seems to be the leader to be the Next Coach of the Minnesota Vikings. It wouldn't shock me if Childress was hired soon. The Vikings did contact Ron Rivera from what I can gather, but will have to go to Chicago to interview him. Rivera is my prefered candidate of the names I have heard considered. I have stated numerous times my preference for Kirk Ferentz of Iowa. But Rivera has been successful at his last two stops (Before the Bears, he was the Eagles LB coach) , and worked with two very good coaches. Rivera is supposed to have a great personality, demeanor, and knowledge of the game.
*I'm not really hearing much in regards to the Vikings Player Personnel Director. I am not that opposed to Scott Studwell having a chance with the job for a couple years. Tom Ditrimoff who is the Director of College Scouting for the Patriots and Rick Smith of the Broncos have been talked about. But no one has been contacted from outside the organization.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Al Saunders

Off.Cord of the Chiefs (Who I have met before), and Former San Diego Chargers coach, will interview according to a few published reports with the Vikings tuesday. The Vikings will seek out an interview with Gregg Williams-D.Cord of the Redskins according to Mark Craig of the Star Tribune. Art Shell-the Former Raider Coach may also be considered. The Vikings haven't shown any intrest in Jim Fassell or Tim Lewis (Giants D-Cord)

So at the end of the day

we know-No Heckert'Jr as GM-Rick Smith of the Denver Broncos is considered a finalist for the post with the Vikings, although no effort has been made to contact Smith.

Three interviews set-up for sure

1. Brad Childress
2. Al Saunders
3.Ted Cotrell

And possibly 4. Ron Rivera 5. Gregg Williams.

Monday Night News

* Tom Heckert.JR. will remain with the Philadelphia Eagles getting promoted to theit title of General Manager. Broncos Director of Pro Player Personnel-Rick Smith is also getting a bit of buzz in regards to heading up the Vikings General Manager position. So it's hard to say what's going on here.

*Jay Glazer is reporting Brad Childress (O-Cord) of the Eagles was going to interview with the Vikings Monday Night for the Head Coaching job. Ted Cotrell is being reported to be interviewed, tommorrow, and according to Len Pasquarelli is a serious contender for the position. The Vikings are also trying to set up Ron Rivera for an interview. More will be reported as learned later tonight.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

More News

*Rob Brezenski has reportedly re-upped with the Vikings for 5 years. It's great to have the Salary Cap whiz around. The Vikings will be around 22 million under the cap heading into this off-season, so they can add a piece or two more to the puzzle. While at the same time, begin looking into long-term deals for several players.


I was real impressed by how the Vikings told Mike Tice his contract wasn't going to be renewed. This isn't to say I don't support the move. For the Players to be told of a press-release in the Locker room of this I didn't care for. The fact that this was how Mike Tice's son Nathan had to find out, where according to Paul Allen, he started crying in the lockerrom. Zygii could have waited an hour or two to make the annoucement. It wouldn't have killed anything to wait till tommorrow at noon. More info will go up as it becomes avalible tonight.

Early Chatter

* Tom Heckert, JR.-The personnel guru of the Philadelphia Eagles, will be asked for the Eagles permission to come in for an interview Monday for a chance to be the Director of Player Personnel for the Vikings, which the process for this position will be overseen by Rob Brezenki, who I wouldn't be shocked is annouced to have signed a New Deal tommorrow. Scott Studwell interviewed with the Vikings brass earlier.
Names jumping to the top include to replace Tice include : Gregg Williams (D-Cord) of the Washingston Redskins, Brad Childress (O-Cord) Philadelphia Eagles, and the Giants (D-Cord) Tim Lewis. Kirk Ferentz, Mark Richt, or Pete Carroll are coming on down the far outside. Marty Schottenheimer might be fired tommorrow by the Chargers, and I would be supportive of him coming to coach the Vikings. But I think they might want someone for the long-term.
*In a related note from Jay Glazer-Denny Green might be fired if he doesn't part with assistant coach Richard Solomon.

Mike Tice Fired!!!!!!

As of 6:55, Sunday Night. Paul Allen is breaking it on KFAN. Mike Tice has been informed, he will not be back in with the Minnesota Vikings next year. Zygii Wilf has given notice to the media. A Noon Press-Conference has been scheduled. Koren Robinson, and Darren Sharper were told to be quite upset. More reporting as noted.

Postgame comments

Really none. Mike Tice will still be fired, tommorrow. Kevin Williams had a really nice game, along with Erasmus James in dominating the Bears O-line. Mewelde Moore and Nate Burleson both looked really good today. Micheal Bennett's 61 yard touchdown will be his last as a Viking. Troy Williamson didn't look really all that good. He needs to get more involved via slants, and screens.

This blog in the coming weeks will focus on the Vikings coaching changes, and how the Vikings can improve heading into 2006. Personnel will be discussed in depth. Who will stay, who will go, and who might come in.

Vikings/Bears Pick

Not that anyone really cares. Kyle Orton will start for the Bears, Thomas Jones probably wouldn't play much. The Bears D will shut down the Vikings O for as long as they feel like it. The Vikings probably put up enough points in the Second Half to win.

Vikings 10
Bears 9