Friday, December 30, 2005

Sid Hartman thinks Tice is going to be Fired

When Sid the biggest Tice backer around, the man who said all along Tice would be back is seeing Tice being let go. Then it means it is all but finished.

Breaking News Mike Tice Fired Monday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WCCO Radio's Dark Star (Who I consider to be fairly accurate) Dark stated that Randy Moss was going to be traded to the Raiders, and he was sure of it from his sources. , is reporting Mike Tice to have a meeting with Zygii Wilf Monday at which time he will be fired, or told his contract is not renewed for the 2006 season. Mike Max is reporting it on WCCO. reporting Article found here:
The 2002 Vikings added 6-10 and have since added: Kevin Williams, Pat Williams, Darren Sharper, Antoine Winfield, Mewelde Moore, Brad Johnson, Mike Rosenthal, Fred Smoot, Jermaine Wiggins, Nate Burleson, Marcus Robinson, EJ Henderson, Koren Robinson, Darrion Scott, Erasmus James,Paul Edinger, Chris Kluwe and Sam Cowart.
While losing Randy Moss (By Choice), Chris Claiborne, Fred Robbins, and an aging David Dixon. In other words, other than Moss no one of real great value. They had injuries but so does every other team. Last year the Vikings were quite competive of their 8 losses, 5 were by less than a touchdown, and no road loss was by more than 11. So this much more talented football team is only 8-7. Denny Green won 11 games with a less talented team in 2000.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

More Viking Thoughts

Q: Should Sunday's Game affect Mike Tice's Job Status?

A: A lot of people would say no since it is a meaningless game, with the Bears not playing any of their starters the whole game. But I think the effort the Vikings give will show us something. If the Vikings lay down like dogs like they did in a 33-3 lose to Jacksonville in 2001 that probably sealed Dennis Green's fate. A lackluster fan response towards Tice means something as far as fan intrest goes but not much. But if the Vikings play a hard-fought, well-executed game, it shows that the Vikings aren't quitting on Mike Tice. It also shows signs of progress. It probably wouldn't change my final verdict but will add stuff to consider either way.
Q: What should the Vikings be looking for in their next Head Coach?
-I think one factor that will be considered is marketablity. I don't mean in the sense that one has good media relations, I really don't care what the media thinks of a guy, they like Tice. I mean by this you probably can't hire someone like (Jim Schwartz-Titans DC, Mike Singeltary-49ers Asst. Head Coach, Brad Childress-Eagles Off.Coordinator, Jim Haslett-NO Saints Head Coach, Donnie Henderson-Jets DC, Jerry Gray-Bills DC, Maurice Carthon -Browns OC, or Jim Fassell-Ravens OC). The reason being you can't really sell to the Viking fans a Coach-who might be very good someday, or a coach that might deserve a second chance from a team that is worse than the Vikings this will be a tough sell, so this seems to limit your field to the 12 teams in the playoffs for being under consideration.
-I am less opposed to college than some. They could have connections like Denny Green did to assemble a talented staff from the college game, with pro-position coaches serving as coordinators. Nick Saban is doing a good job in Miami, and the closest to thing to Saban out there is Kirk Ferentz, who has done a terrific job at Iowa.
-Def.Coordinators seem to be hired at a much greater rate than offensive coordinators which the three off.coordinators serving in thier first stint as head-coaches nearly got fired or will be fired after this season. But when looking at D.Coordinators like Bill Cowher, Tony Dungy, Lovie Smith, Jack Del Rio, Marvin Lewis, Jim Mora, JR. and John Fox having success this needs to be noted. It should be noted the Vikings have never hired a Def.Coach as their head-coach.
-The NFL would require interviews of African-American candidates so you can be assured that Tim Lewis will get an interview. Maurice Carthon, Jerry Gray, and Donnie Henderson as stated above I would consider long-shots. I also wouldn't rule Ted Cotrell and Mike Singeltary out for interviews. But if Tice is fired, I am very confident Lewis would be interviewed, and considered .

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Possible HC Candidates

*Kirk Ferentz- University of Iowa- You give him enough money, he might leave Iowa, who is year in and year out one of the best coached teams in the Country.

*Mark Richt-University of Georgia-Former Pro-back-up. Brad Johnson's brother in law. Two-time SEC coach of the year. Former Flordia State QB and Off.Coordinator. 52-12 in 5 years at Georgia. Coaches from at a school that produces NFL ready players. Three Sec East titles, and two SEC titles.

*Tim Lewis-Giants Def.Coordinator- Zygii has ties to the Giants. Was having a great Def.Season till LB injuries started taking thier toll. Performances like last sunday vs Redskins wouldn't help. Was in running for Falcons job with a second interview in 2004.

*Sean Payton-Dallas Off.Coordinator- Reportedly turned down the Raiders job that Norv Turner ended up with. Has learned from Bill Parcells, and considered a passing-game guru.

*Mike Sherman-Green Bay Packers don't laugh despite 9-7, 12-4, 12-4 , 10-6, 10-6 records than falling apart with sub-standard telling. Sherman could be fired, and I wouldn't mind taking a look at him as the New Vikings Head Coach. I wouldn't give him Player Personnel authority but as a Coach I would consider it.

*Ron Rivera- Bears Def. Coordinator- A possibility has worked with Andy Reid and Lovie Smith. You wonder what type of role Lovie has played in D turnaround though, still might be thought of as inexperienced.

*Jim Schwantz- Titans Def.Coordinator- Considered to be a brillant Def. Mind, but hiring the def.Coordinator from the Titans wouldn't make fans happy. Big into computer analysis like Billy Beane.

*Gary Kubiak-Denver Off.Coordinator- Been in the mix for years. The Broncos big-year might land him a job.

-I'm not throwing into the mix people like Jimmy Johnson and Charlie Weis-Because I really don't see them coaching in the NFL anytime soon. Pete Carroll-Although a Former Vikings coach, has been less than successful in 2 previous NFL stops.

-other potential candidates- Pat Hill-Fresno State, Ed Donatell-Atlanta Falcons D-Coordinator, Rod Marnelli- Tampa Bay-D-Line, Mike Zimmer-Dallas D.Coorinator, Bob Bratowski-Cincinnati O-Coordinator.

Mike Tice Job Status

-Arguments for keeping him

1. The Vikings have the poorest paid and one of the worse coaching staffs in the league. A one quarter difference the last couple seasons, and the Vikings could have won 2 NFC North titles. Tice hasn't had the Coaching Staff in place, other teams have had.

2. They didn't quit on him when they could have this season, and did make an effort to turn the season around. The last two seasons, he has been without major players in both of them.

-Arguments to go

-Are the Vikings that ended the 2002 season, any closer to the Super Bowl than the ones that ended the 2005. I know I am less optimistic now than I was then.

-6-10, 9-7, 8-8, 8-7 - This is four years of medicority.

-Ask yourself this question, do you see Mike Tice winning a Super Bowl, ask another question can you think of games the Vikings won because of superior coaching?

-Internal discipline whether fair or not, seems to be a problem for the Vikings.

_The teams the Vikings beat this year were all 5-10 or worse, except for the Giants who they beat in flukey circumstances.

Verdict: The Vikings need to upgrade thier coaching to win a Super Bowl. If the Vikings can't get anybody better than Tice, than so be it. But the progress wasn't there this year after he pinned it all on him.

Vikings/Ravens Post Game


QB- B I could give a better grade. But he should have gotten rid of that ball quicker in the 4th quarter when he fumbled. I didn't also like the idea to go throw that fade on 3rd and 2 into the end zone from the Raven 20, early in the second half. But Brad played a nice game, otherwise. He shows poise in the pocket, and does hit open receivers. He can't really be expected to do a lot more without a running-game.

RB- B Ciatrick Fason though would get an F for his terrible decision on second and goal. Mewelde Moore is a good receiver out of the backfield, and is capable of breaking tackles, with good elusion and vision. Why he doesn't get carries, while Micheal Bennett does is beyond me. Is it possible, Moore might not be able to take a 25 carry a game pounding, possibly. But the only back the Vikings have had since I watched them that really good for a period of time was Terry Allen in 1992.

WR- B- I wish Travis Taylor wouldn't have dropped that pass on third and 16 inside the Ravens 10 for a first down in the Third-quarter. Troy Williamson was great running that crossing route, they maybe should design more plays for him like that, especially as much as teams blitz the Vikings.

OL- C- It's not that they are so bad in pass-protection. They scrap, they don't give the QB all day, but they don't get just beat off the snap either. It is in the Running-game where they are able to establish no running lanes. There is not one-good run blocker on the Vikings O-Line. Since the Vikings can't establish a consistent running-game teams than can go after a team hard on third down.

DL- D Brian Baker has coached the D-Line since 2001, and they still can't generate consistent pressure even though since 1999 they have invested 5 first round picks in D-lineman (Including three straight-first round picks) , 2 second-round picks, and they signed Pat Williams who was by far their best-lineman the other night. They would get an F but they did slow the run down. They would blitz, and still not get pressure. The four-man rush wouldn't generate anything. Brian Baker needs to go.

LB- D When I saw mulitple third and longs converted by throwing 4 yard-dump offs to the middle of the field then running backs running untouched, this summed up the game for the linebacking crew. They miss Keith Newman, the Vikings best blitzing LB.

DB- D- They made some good tackles from their corner position. Corey Chavous is a medicore NFL player. Why do they blitz thier best-coverage guys on third and long, and leave Ralph Brown and Devonte Edwards back in coverage? This was a terrible game for the Vikings secondary.

ST- B Paul Edinger had a very good night with three field goals, and several nice kickoffs. Chris Kluwe struggled. They forced a fumble, but did little in the return game.

Gameball-Paul Edinger

Friday, December 23, 2005

Vikings/Ravens Pre-Game

Here are my thoughts

*Kyle Boller is coming off a great game, but the Vikings can do quite a bit to make him miserable. The Vikings have a vastly superior secondary to Green Bay, the Vikings are much better versus the run, and can collaspe the pocket. This would be a good game for the Vikings to blitz alot against a banged-up Balitmore O-line. I don't see Jamal Lewis going off this week, since Williams and Williams will make it tough to run up the middle. So Boller might be forced into some third and longs, which could create turnovers.

*BJ Sams is one of the better punt-returners in the NFL so Chris Kluwe will need better hang-time. The Vikings with a special teams performance like last week-will lose.

*Both teams have a tendency for bad penalties, something to watch.

*The Vikings wouldn't be able to run the ball with Micheal Bennett and Ciatrick Fason. For some odd reason they don't like to play the injury-prone Mewelde Moore, even though he is their most effective runner behind a sub-par O-line. Brad Johnson is going to have a hard-time throwing against a very good Balitmore secondary.

*The Vikings might try putting Brian Williams on Todd Heap-the only real threat in the Ravens Passing game.
This game is going to be low scoring, I think if the Ravens score more than 13 points the Vikings lose. I think the Vikings D needs to hold the Ravens under 10 points. If Kyle Boller-plays like Monday Night, the Vikings lose. But Boller, won't. I don't see Brad Johnson throwing Bad interceptions like last week, but I don't see him moving the ball. I think this game might come down to special teams-where Koren Robinson might not be kicked too, I think the Vikings special teams is their undoing again.
I say -
Ravens 13 Vikings 6.
I better comment on the Bears/Packers game also. The Packers aren't as bad as they played last week, it wouldn't shock me to put up a valiant effort versus the Bears. I think Brett Favre plays a solid game, even though he will be mauled by the Chicago D. Chicago on the road ,hasn't been super-impressive. Rex Grossman makes the Bears a better team, but not that much better. I think the Bears probably win, just because they are a better team. But it wouldn't shock me at all to see the Packers win, and the Vikes be playing for a chance to play for the division title, next week.
Bears 17
Packers 14.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Viking Postgame


QB- D- He played OK in the first half, I could give him an F but he was under pressure constantly. He made some bad throws in the second half, and some poor decisions in the red zone.

RB- D- Bennett just doesn't hit the holes he needs to hit. They need an upgrade here. Is Mewelde Moore so dinged he shouldn't be in the game? Blocking contrbutes a lot here, but so does poor insticts.
WR-C They did get open at times in the first half, but they weren't getting much for seperation in the second half.
OL- D They battled, but had some penalties that shot the Vikings in the foot, they couldn't create space in the running game, and struggled in the passing game.
DL-B+ The Steelers were able to get their outside running game going . They did apply some nice pressure with 4 sacks. Jerome Bettis couldn't attack over the middle of the field
LB- C The Roethslisberger TD scramble in the second quarter, they need to have someone in position here. The third and twenty completion to Randle-El hurt, this was their worst game in a while.
DB B+ They rarely get beat in the secondary, they held Hines Ward in complete check. The Short-Passing game did some damage though.
ST-F I know they recovered the muff punt, but a blocked field goal, a punt-return that set up a touchdown, and fumbled kick-off-that's 13 points right here, and made the difference in the ball-game.
Game Ball- Kevin Willams had a nice game in the losing effort.
Q: How does this game affect Mike Tice's Job Status?
A: If Tice goes 10-6, I think he stays. If he goes 8-8, I think he's gone, and 9-7 I don't know. I don't think as poorly of him as a coach as I did before, this isn't to say I would be heartbroken if he left. I would like to see Ted Cotrell stick around as D-Coordinator.
Q: Who would be the top candidates for the Vikings Job
A: I think Zygii would spend some money. I wouldn't rule out Giants D coordinator Tim Lewis, or Kirk Ferentz of Iowa. It's hard to speculate right now.
I think the Vikings would have a hard-time justifying bringing some in from a worse team than themselves.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Viking/Steeler Pick

*I have sort of waffeled on this game. I heard people from the National Media say all-week the Steelers were a better team.

A few things to consider

*The Vikings are most-succentible to a pass-rush with a collasping pocket, not an edge rush per say. So could this mean a big day for James Farrior perhaps. But it could also mean that Pittsburgh isn't going to be able to bring as much pressure, especially if the Vikings play a lot of 3-4 wr to expose Pittsburgh's shaky corners. Brad will need to get rid off the ball, quick.

*I think with Kevin Williams back, Pittsburgh is going to have a hard-time running up the gut. Pittsburgh's interior O-line is struggling compared to last year.

*I don't know if Big Ben is going to try to force it down the field, a broken thumb could cause throws to sail to Number 42 for the Vikings.

*I don't expect the Vikings to do much of anything on the ground.
I see a low scoring game, I am going to pick my favorite team, not since I am overly confident they're going to win, but because this blog is a Vikings blog. And I picked against the Vikings-the first three games of their winning streak.
Vikings 16
Steelers 13

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

More Physical Football team?

I think quite highly of Sean Salisbury's analysis on ESPN, much higher than I thought of him as a player. But on this Morning's Sportcenter, he said the Steelers would beat the Vikings because they were back to playing Physical Football, as evidenced against the Bears. I think the Steelers have to be considered the favorite, but this is hogwash. Not to say the Steelers aren't a more physical football team, but execution wins game. This is why the Colts drilled the Steelers. Talent wins games, this is why although the Browns are well-coached they have 4 wins. Coaching wins game-this is why the Vikings teams of the late 80's never did anything. People define Physical as a team that runs the ball a lot, and hits hard and doesn't rely on speed on Defense. One could argue that the Balitmore Ravens and Cleveland Browns fit that description. But these teams lack talent. Indy wouldn't be called a Physical team and they are 13-0. If the Steelers win Sunday, and I am strongly leaning towards picking them, it wouldn't be because of their physicality.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Vikings/ Steelers pre-game thoughts

This will be the big test for the Vikings. The teams they have beaten this year have records of 9-4 (Which they needed three D/ST TD'S), 5-8, 4-9(3X), 3-10 (3X). They get the Steelers at home, with Kevin Williams back in the line-up.

I don't really see Jerome Bettis having a field day against the Williams' inside. The Vikings will be able to rotate depth inside with Spencer Johnson and CJ Moseley. Erasmus James does struggle against the run, some so it wouldn't shock me to have them line-up Spencer Johnson and Darrion Scott at end on obvious running downs.

Keith Newman will be a loss because he is their best blitzing line-backer, and has been adequate in coverage. Napoleon Harris can be effective as a blitzer, but is awful in coverage. Raonall Smith is a good player, if healthy here.

The Vikings really haven't seen a Speed-Back like Willie Parker since Warrick Dunn who tore them apart. So this is an area of concern. But Parker is fumble-prone, so that should be watched. The Vikings LB corps has been more effective as of late.

Big Ben could be pressured as the Steelers aren't great at the Tackle Position, so James and Johnstone have a chance to do some damage. The Steelers also don't have great consistency at Wide Receiver other than Hines Ward. I expect the Steelers to try to run all day long, I'm thinking around 40 carries. So that will determine the ball-game.

Don't be surprised to see Ciatrick Fason get more of a chance on Offense. The Vikings like his hard running style. I have a hard-time seeing the Vikings run the ball efficently against the Steelers. But the Vikings small o-line interior does match-up a bit better against a 3-4. Pittsburth's strength is stopping the run on the perimeter, that's where the Vikings will run, and inconsistently I might add.

If I was the Vikings I would go to a lot of three and four receiver sets to try to take advantage of the Steelers depleted CB core. This would also make it more difficult to blitz for Pittsburgh.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Vikings Post-Game


QB- B- Brad didn't turn the ball over, he made some throws that were off the mark. A lot of time was spent in third and longs. I counted seven Third and Eights or more.

RB- C They did run a few TD's in. But their running game isn't at all consistent. They need to consistently get 2-6 yards in the running game, rather between -4 and 10. But a lot of this is due to interior line-blocking.
WR- B Koren Robinson is the Vikings star on Offense. Marcus Robinson made a game-changing 49 yard reception in the third quarter. Their stats weren't that good, but their play was solid.
OL- C Thier O-Line can't run block on the interior, and you can't run the ball consistently on the perimeter. Their pass-blocking was ok as they gave up no sacks though, but Johnson didn't have time consistently.
DL- B- They weren't great today, their pressure was iffy at times, and Stephen Jackson got through them more than his stats would indicate. They need a big game next week, and they might have Kevin Williams back
LB- B+ Sam Cowart played maybe his best game as a Viking Today, Raonall Smith and EJ Henderson were solid. I do worry some about not having Keith Newman who really helps their pass-rush. But they have improved a lot.
DB- A They won the game- 6 turnovers what more needs to be said. They did this without a great pass-rush. The whole unit gets a Gameball from me
ST- B+ Koren Robinson made that huge kickoff return, that set up a field goal. Paul Edinger had a nice day, and Darren Bennett got better as the game went on.
Gameballs- Koren Robinson, and Viking Secondary (Winfield, Williams, and Sharper)
Props- Sam Cowart, Darrion Scott, and Marcus Robinson.
Final Comments: The Vikings will need to play better next week against Pittsburgh in what should be a great game, and I never would have thought that six weeks ago. Pittsburgh has a much better O-line than the Rams, and will offer much better QB play. I really don't know how the Vikings establish a running game next week, although Pittsburgh can be had in the air. I think the Vikings will need to force turnovers to win, but I'm excited for the game already.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Q: What do you make of Mike Tice's Job Status

A: I think if he wins 10 games, he'll be back. I never thought I would say that after Daunte went down, and they were 2-5. A division title, or a playoff win probably brings him back to the fold with a 2-3 year extension. Ted Cotrell should be back with him, the Vikings
should bring in a Off.Cordinator.
Q: What are the Vikings biggest needs going into the off-season?
A: They could maybe add a young LB high in the draft, as it is a strong draft for LB's. With guys like Demeco Ryans-Alabama, Ahmed Brooks-Virgina, Paul Poluznsy-Penn State, AJ Hawk-Ohio State, Chad Greenway-Iowa, Thomas Howard-UTEP, and AJ Nicholson of Flordia State all looking like first rounders. The Vikings will maybe let Sam Cowart go after this year and , and move EJ Henderson to the middle, with Donatarrious Thomas moving into the starting line-up. Keith Newman might also draw some intrest this year in Free Agency. An Offensive Guard could be a need in Free Agency, but the best option avalible could be to re-sign Toniu Fonoti for next year. So not a lot of help to be had their of the players currently on the market. A big time running back would also be a possibilty I like Deangelo Williams-out of Memphis in the draft. I'm not nuts about giving a free-agent RB a big contract, since a running back's life-span is so short. So a guy like Shaun Alexander, or Edgerrin James I see them going down hill soon.

Vikings/Rams Thoughts and Pick

* Ryan Fitzpatrick, I think will have a hard-time in his first road start, especially as loud as the Metrodome is going to be. He might have time to throw as the Vikings will probably only rush 4, but with few targets to get too.

*The Rams running game is really struggling, and Stephen Jackson probably woulnd't get on track sunday. RT-Alex Barron wouldn't play because of an injury, and Orlando Pace has been banged-up of late.

*The days of the Rams scoring around 50 against the Vikings should be over. The Vikings D was good at times last week, then got soft. They always seem to play quite well at home.
*The Rams D is terrible, against both the run and the pass. They been gutted both ways, this year. The Vikings if they have a balanced attack, they got hit thirty points. If the Vikings win at the line of scrimmage, I don't see this game being all that close. Saint Louis is the first teams, they've played in a while where they can dominate on the line of scrimmage-both sides of the ball.
Rookie Rams QB, Metrodome crowd noise, Vikings agressive D, terrible Rams D,struggling Rams O-line
Vikings 31
Rams 13

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Game Balls

Koren Robinson- 4 catches for 148, for a touchdown, and set up a touchdown. Then He had a nice kickoff return which led to another Touchdown.

Corey Chavous and Brian Williams- Chavous for his game-winning pick. Williams had a nice game, and if it wasn't for the refs should have had a pick brought back for a touchdown.

Vikings/Lions Post Game

Well five straight since I proclaimed the season dead. But the Vikings still have problems.

Post-Game grades

Quarterback-B Brad Johnson played a nice-game.

Running Back- C They really struggled running the ball in the second half, but the run blocking was horrible.

Wide Receiver- B+ They played a nice game, Marcus Robinson could have adjusted a bit better on a deep ball, Koren Robinson had a great game. They are playing well.

Offensive Line- D+ They struggled in the second half with penalities, and not being able to establish the run at all. Becuase of their struggles they almost gave the Vikings the game.

Defensive Line- C+ They were shaky in the second half, they were gutted versus the run at times. Their pressure was more non-existent as the game goes on.

Linebacker-B+ They played quite well, as they limited short-passes all day.

Defensive Backs-B Corey Chavous made a big play, they looked better because of Jeff Garcia's terrible throws. They played softer than I would have liked in the second half.

Special Teams- B- Koren Robinson had a nice return, they allowed a real nice Eddie Drummond return. Paul Edinger made some nice punts with the game on the line.

Verdict: I wasn't overly impressed, but the Vikings are 7-5 with three of the last four at the Metrodome, with a Christmas night game at Balitmore who barely sqeuaked by Houston at Home. You gotta be nervous heading into next week vs Saint Louis, but I like the Vikings chances next week.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Vikings/Lions Pick

I am going to be out of town so I'll make the pick tonight.

*I am actually glad the Lions are starting Jeff Garcia, instead of Joey Harrington. Garcia is banged-up, and looked really horrible last week vs Atlanta. Harrington last week was doomed by things not his own fault-Fumbles, Bad Routes, and Poor Pass Blocking. Not that Harrington is great but he can move. Garcia's weak arm combined with poor-pass blocking, combined with a good game plan-could lead to big trouble for the Lions offense.

*I don't expect much from the Vikings Offense, if they can establish the run I think they'll win. That's easier said than done. My view of a successful running game is 120 yards and 4.2 ypc. Brad Johnson will be solid not special. Hopefully Nate Burleson can do something.
I picked the Lions last week, but due to Garcia being in at QB, and the fact the Vikings seem to be playing more coherant, I lean slightly towards them. We don't know what to expect from Detroit. But I am liking what I'm seeing from the Vikings D
Vikings 16
Lions 13