Friday, March 24, 2006

Nate Burleson Gone?

Maybe since he singed a 7-year-49 million dollar offer sheet with the Seahawks. But in real money it's more like 4 yrs 14.5 mil with around with 5.25 million in guarntees. Those numbers aren't bad by themselves. For Burleson is a very good slot receiver, who the Vikings played outside last year. Burleson is a good route-runner with quickness, exceptional balance, and great hands. He adjusts to balls well in the air, and is one of the better runners after the catch in football. He does lack ideal size and speed, and can have problems versus zone coverage.
Should the Vikings let him go? No, they should have made him a 1st round qualifying offer, but for some reason choose not to. It wasn't because they lacked cap space. They aren't going to get a player at the end of the third round better than Burleson. But Seattle made odd contract provisions such as the entire contract becomes guarnteed if he plays more than 5 games in Minnesota in the next 7 years. Or if Burleson is paid more annually than the combined running back salaries, the entire salary becomes guarnteed. The Vikings will never agree to these provisions, but I the legality of the provisions will be disputed. So this will be settled in 8 days.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Vikings signing spree

My comments on the Vikings three signings today.

-Mike McMahon-Viking fans might think he's better than he is because of his big games with the Lions versus the Vikings. McMahon is a very erratic passer with around a 45 percent completion ratio for his career. He's not a great timing passer. He also is known for making questionable decisions. He does have a strong arm, release the ball quickly, and move pretty well in the pocket. He needs work in other words. He will be helped by the fact the Vikings plan on running the ball so much. He also will have some familarity with their offensive system. We shall see with this signing but he's probably as good as anyone else out their on the market.
-Tank Williams-I'm somewhat surpised by the lack of intrest in Williams to lead him to the Vikings. Williams is the type of safety I've been asking for. A physical, intimadating player. Viking fans will love his hitting ability. Though they would like Willie Offord's. Not very good in deep secondary coverage. Although with thier CB's and Safeties he doesn't have to be. Will play physical with the Tight End something the Vikings D lacked last year. A good signing for the cost.
-Dequincy Scott-Is quick off the line with a good motor. Will be a pass-rush specialist, although he can disrupt the run. Not big enough to be an everydown player. Can struggle with blocks and contact on the pass-rush due to lack of size. A player that would probably be around the 8th D-lineman. Not a sure bet to make the team. Makes Lance Johnstone a goner, which is fine due to the presence of Erasmus James, Kenechi Udeze, and Darrion Scott.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Hutchinson a Viking !!!!

I didn't think this day would ever come but it looks like it is all over and Steve Hutchinson will be the starting LG for the Minnesota Vikings. This combined with the return of Matt Birk greatly improves the Vikings' interior O-line from horrendous to awesome. To go from Goldberg and Withrow to Hutchinson and Birk is going from a 3 to a 9.5 .

It also appears that Stephen Neal of the Patriots could sing with the Vikings to be their starting RG. Neal will be having his second visit tommorrow with the Vikings. Neal's a solid starting NFL G. He's better as a run-blocker than a pass blocker.
The Vikings are also making an effort to sign Cheifs FB Tony Richardson. Although's he's better blocking than getting into the flat, than as a lead blocker.
But these moves show the Vikings are serious about running the ball next year. How well will it work we shall see.
At this point in time I see the Vikings targeting LB in the draft especially Flordia State's Ernie Sims. Although the possibility of a trade up for a QB seems possible. But from what I'm hearing both Matt Leinart and Jay Cutler will go Top 5, leaving the Vikings with little ammo hear.
Rumors have the Vikings being intrested in Matt Schaub of the Falcons. I like Schaub as a QB he moves well in the pocket, with good accuracy, and is a nice fit for what the Vikings want to run. He is a better bet than what the Vikings could draft in round 2 of the draft. I would give a 2nd and a 3rd in 2006 for Schaub. Am I saying that Schaub is better than Culpepper? NO, but I am speaking as to what I see his value being as opposed to the Vikings giving away Daunte.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

FA Recap/Daunte Trade

-Ben Leber- The Vikings biggest weakness on D is their ability to play the Tight End. Leber has the skill-set where he should be effective here. His scouting report is at times he can play out of control. But overall he's a solid player.

-Chester Taylor-He catches the ball-well with Good vision. The Ravens actually would have rather kept him than Jamal Lewis. Has good patience, and quickness. Is he a Number 1 back we will soon find out. But I prefer this signing to a big money RB signing.

-Ryan Longwell-will be more consistent than Paul Edinger. But doesn't bring Edinger's big leg. Accurate from within 40 yards. Similar to Gary Anderson when the Vikings signed him before the 1998 season.

-Steve Hutchinson-A maybe is the best Run-Blocking Guard in football. Great pulling guard to play next to the best pulling center in Matt Birk would be a great 1-2 punch. Will he be a Vikings hard to say. But with him and Matt Birk their interior line would go from awful to awesome.

-I need to know more about the poison pill in Steve Hutchinson's contract that he would have to be the highest paid O-lineman on the team, or his contract is guarnteeed, and what does that mean? How would this affect the Vikings upcoming negotiations with Bryant McKinnie on a long-term deal. When he will be worth more than 7 million per season.

How much better are the Vikings compared to last season. They are maybe slightly better, probably around a 8-8, 9-7 team.

I give the Vikings the same grade for the Daunte Trade as for the Moss trade an F. To give up so fast on a QB who had 39 TD's and 11 Int's to go with a 110 Qb rating in 2004 is ridiculous.

Did Daunte play good last year? No, but he had an awful O-line, no running game, and a struggling D. He also had to adjust to not having Randy Moss take two guys out of the rush.

Daunte wasn't a great fit for the West Coast Offense, but Brad Johnson no longer has the ability to be a successful pro Qb. People will cite his record from last year, but look at who he beat.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Brian Williams

The Vikings untransitioned tagged him. Meaning he should be gone. This is fine as he's really a Zone corner, not a great man corner. You don't pay zone corners- huge money.

Daunte Trade???

Sorry, I haven't had computer access for a few days.

But reports are the Vikings are going to trade Daunte probably in the next 2 hours. The reports I am hearing indicate to either the Dolphins, Rams, or the Raiders. For probably no more than a third round draft pick this year, and maybe another conditional non 1st next year.

For the trade

1. Childress thinks Daunte will be a distracting malcontent all-season ala TO last season
2. Due to Daunte's slow release he just doesn't fit in the West Coast Offense.
3. Daunte's injury could affect his mobility taking away his greatest asset as a QB.
4. Daunte wasn't too good last year.


1. You are giving away a 3 time pro bowl qb that's 29 for what last year amounted to Dustin Fox. A QB that threw 39 TD's and 11 Int's in 2004 for the highest QB rating ever.
2. Daunte was injured last year, before his knee got injured with a bad back. Also he wasn't helped by a terrible O-line, no running game, and a struggling D.

I would hope the Vikings have a plan. Drew Brees is also risky because of his shoulder, but it's no sure sign that he'll sign with the Vikings. I hope they'll not counting on someone like the erratic Josh McCown as the answer.

It's possible Ravens LB Bart Scott could be coming to town visit soon. Chester Taylor also could be coming in soon.

If Daunte is traded to Saint Louis is Marc Bulgar coming to the Vikings?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Free Agency Preview

In a great bit of news, for me. Tommorrow, I will be getting the NFL Network.

So more insight.

Here's players for the Vikings, I like heading into Free Agency

1. David Thornton-LB INDY- Had a great year at WLB two years ago. His value has slipped since he has played the last two years on the Strong Side. Great fit on weakside in Cover 2 with Atl. Ability. Thornton could even play in the middle as I have stated before.

2. Will Witherspoon-LB Car-Has improved every year in the league. Had a nice year in the cover 2, like Thornton can play both the pass and the rush. But will cost more than Thornton. The Vikings are considered a front-runner if he hits the market.
3. Chester Taylor-RB Bal-The Vikings reportedly have intrest in him. Runner with good patient, and vision. Good pass-catcher. I like him more than the big money backs.
4. Najeh Davenport-RB GB- Would be a nice compliment to Mewelde Moore or even Deangelo Williams. Good short-yardage runner with 4.9 career average at 6-1, 250.
5. LeCharles Bentley-G-No- Would be a better signing at G, consistent lineman who might make a nice lead blocker in running game. Although he can get overpowed at point of attack. A fringe yearly pro-bowler at RG.
6. Bart Scott-LB Bal- I like him good athelte, and a good tackler. Filled in nicely for Ray Lewis this year.
7. Ben Leber-LB SD- A natural strong-side can provide pass-rush, and good athelte in coverage versus the run. Might be a nice signing. From Vermillion, SD.