Thursday, November 17, 2005

Vikings Over reaction


Deisctch claims the Vikings will make the playoffs. That they might finish 9-7.

ME: I expect the Vikings to get drilled at 2-7 Green Bay by more than two touchdowns. Brett Favre isn't going to make the mistakes than Joey Harrington and Eli Manning did. The Vikings Offense will continue being inept. I guess thier schedule is quite weak. But their touchdown drives have been an average of under 15 averages (Because it includeds special team and Defensive Touchdowns). The Vikings haven't had a touchdown drive of longer than 50 yards in the last two wins on Offense, and only one longer than 15. The Vikings special teams is improved. The more I look at their schedule I expect them to get drilled-Monday Night and at home vs the Steelers, but every other game- Clev, at Det, Stl, at Bal, Chi-they could in theory win. But the Offense can't run the ball consisntently and has a terrible O-line, a quarterback with a weak-arm, and receivers who take time to get open. The D is still sproatic in their pass-rush, and this could be exposed. The Vikings could win 5 games or 9 wins, but they still have serious problems. Thier special teams can't carry them.
Not to be out done though -Jeffri Chadiha
Claims the Vikings are better without Daunte. It should be noted though, that Daunte had been playing good, the last few quarters before his injury, and he was too good a player not to get hot. This blog as it never supported trading Randy Moss, it never supported benching Daunte. Daunte's problems were caused by a bad- O-line, and receivers that weren't explosive off the line, to go with a sproatic running game, any QB would have problems in this situation. This isn't to say Daunte didn't make some bad decisions, but I do feel he would have given much more of an opportunity at the quarterback position than Brad Johnson. Although to Johnson's credit, he doesn't turn the ball over. The reason the Vikings are winning is because the D and Special teams have been carrying them. If Daunte was back their, I am confident they would have won those two games also.
But his real outrageous statement is "Weeks ago, I would've said it's impossible for the Vikings to wear the NFC crown. If they keep playing as they have been -- and benefit from a couple breaks along the way -- they could get back into the picture.
Say the Vikings win the NFC North, by the way for the record, I still believe Chicago will win it. The Vikings could win a home playoff game, but do you really see them ever winning back to back road games in hostile enviroments against good teams. In other words, they aren't going to force 5 turnovers, and have 3 Defensive/Special Teams touchdowns every week.
Q: Aren't you just being negative?
A: I am being realistic, last year (2004) I picked the Vikings to win the Super Bowl, and I believe they would have made a big-run in the NFC if Randy Moss hadn't gotten injured. This year when the national media was talking Super Bowl, I constantly dismissed it as hogwash. To say the Vikings past two performances are indicative of a return to anything seems like a stretch. If the Vikings win-Monday Night I might begin to consider they will contend in the North, if Chicago loses to Carolina-Sunday. But I put the chances of the Vikings winning at 20 percent.


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