Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Lowlight of this train wreck

Here is another lowlight from the fesitvities found at

So this is the second urination related incident for the Vikings in several months. The whizznator and now this on top of other shenignas. What a disgrace the Vikings have become.

Public urination
Prior to boarding, at least one group in a limo urinated on Cathy Hough's lawn in Mound, according to Hough and police. She said she confronted the men. "I said, 'Excuse me, do you mind?' And they looked at me as if I was crazy," Hough said Tuesday. "One of them said, "It's only water, ma'am,' and he continued peeing. I said no, it's not."
She followed the limo to Al & Alma's, where the men got on board, and she reported the incident to police. It is no longer under investigation because Hough could give only vague descriptions, said Mound Police Chief Jim Kurtz.
Doyle said Al & Alma's is a longtime family business that would never have allowed such behavior to take place on their boats. Doyle, contacted by Al & Alma's on Monday, said he was concerned that detectives hinted to him that the captains didn't have control and didn't act quickly enough. The Sheriff's Office said it is investigating a report of alleged criminal conduct on the yachts. Sgt. Haans Vitek wouldn't say whether Vikings were involved. "It was a stag-party atmosphere on the boat with allegations of strippers and sexual conduct," he said. "We're still trying to sort things out at this time." Said Doyle: "The staffers were really shook up. It sounded as if they were fending off people. It was just a scene."


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