Thursday, March 10, 2005

Donovan Darius Info from CBS Sportsline

This story from Pete Prisco at

" Does any team have a ham sandwich in the cafeteria? That might now be good enough to get Donovin Darius from the Jaguars. OK, that was a joke we used last year when they tried to trade him. But Darius has made it impossible for him to return to the Jaguars. After signing his franchise tender, Darius went on a full-court press to get himself traded. He e-mailed two newspapers, one in Miami and one in Minnesota, with the hopes of working out a trade to play for the Dolphins or the Vikings. It was a strange and bizarre move, but to those inside the Jaguars, it's not all that surprising. Darius has always been a me-first player. Ripping the team in print in another city, something he had already done in Jacksonville, meant he would never play there again. Word is owner Wayne Weaver is so beside himself that he almost has insisted that Darius has to go. The Jaguars actually thought they had a deal worked out with the Vikings, but indications are Darius' contract demands were too much, so the deal never got done. And that's the rub. Any team who trades for Darius will want to lock him up long term before making the deal. The word is the Jaguars want a first-round pick, but the talk now is they will drop that price down to maybe a second or lower. When he departs, Darius will not be missed in the locker room, despite the perception he is a team guy. Remember, this is the guy a few years back who was asked by coach Tom Coughlin to come up with a way to motivate the team before the season. He put on his highlight tape and told teammates that's how they needed to play. Players scoffed and just called it another Double D moment. Darius did play better in coverage last year, which had been a weak spot in his game, which is why his value is up around the league. Look for him to be dealt in the next week or so -- which will mean he gets his wish. And it will be for more than a ham sandwich. "


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