Friday, January 28, 2005

Vikings Sale

Here are my thoughts on a potential Vikings sale and the people involved. Red McCombs is intrested in selling as evidenced by a meeting with Timberwolves owner Glen Taylor, last weekend in San Antonio. Reports surfaced Monday that Red has entered into an exclusive negotiating period with Reggie Fowler, in length between 30-60 days. Fowler has support finanicial backing from local car dealer Denny Hecker, with finacial backing from Alan Landis, a former investor with the New Jersey Nets, and the Zygii Wilf of New Jersey. Landis and the Zygii Wilf have the financial backing to get a deal done from extensive Real-Estate deals. Charley Walters reported this pair has the largest amount of Minority Stock in the New York Yankees. Some have specualted as to if Fowler has the wealth to contibute 30 percent of the purchase price as NFL rules require. With an esitmated purchase price between 600-650 Million this is between 180 and 195 Million that he would be required to put up. Where as all people seem to know about Fowler's wealth is that his company Spiral,INC made 314 Million dollars last year, of which he took home a good share. It should also be noted that Fowler is good friends with Vikings sideline reporter Greg Coleman, and would like to bring in Arizona Cardinals Radio Color man John Mistler a former Giants WR to play an active role with the Franchise. Chris Mortensen and Sid Hartman among others have doubted Fowler's wealth, but how would they know. It is very possible for someone with that amount of money to invest in Stocks and Real Estate and add up finances quickly. I don't know anything about Reggie Fowler other than this. If he has a desire to own the Vikings and is committed to seeing them win a World Championship in Arizona, I support him.

Glen Taylor made the unforunate decision of bidding about 225 Million if I remember correctly in 1998, 20 million less than Red at the time. This for a Franchise that is now valued between 600-700 million dollars, and with a new stadium would reach 10 digits in value by the time it is built, easily. Taylor is simply put the best pro-sports owner in Minnesota. He has invested big-time money in the Timberwolves, since buying them in 1993. He has politicial connections as a former State Senator, and this is who the fans want to buy the team. He doesn't see the value though in the team McCombs does. This differential is due to Taylor seeing how the Vikings can be worth so much in a low-revenue stadium. Word is though NFL officals have indicated to Taylor to pay McCombs price as the team is only going to go up in value, once the TV contract is up in 2006. When the NFL is most dominant programming in the country, due to its 40 market-ratings, and 70 shares. Taylor would also get a stadium done, thereby making this a no lose deal.

Those who could fly in under the radar include:

Gateway CEO Ted Waitt-The South Dakota native has been known to rumored to express intrest in the Vikings from time to time.

Best Buy Founder- Dick Schulze- Is a long time Vikings fan with rumored intrest in the team.


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